
This class is for 2-3 year olds, as an introductory preschool program for our youngest students.

Your child will learn the following

  • Hold Pencil Correctly
  • Recognize, Name & Trace Upper and Lowercase Letters
  • Recognize, Name & Trace Numbers 0-9
  • Recognize, Spell & Trace First Name
  • Identify Letter Sounds (a-z)
  • Identify Oral Phonogram Sounds (first 26)
  • Recognize & Name Shapes and Colors
  • Verbally Count to 20, Count Objects 1-5 using one-to-one Correspondence
  • Build Fine Motor through Cutting & Pasting
  • Build Gross Motor through Jumping, Throwing, Balancing etc.
  • Build Social/Emotional Development through daily engaging activities with teachers & peers
  • Build Cognitive Skills through lessons with problem solving activities
  • Build Speech/Communication Skills through singing, listening to stories, retelling stories etc.

*Please note that each milestone that a child acquires builds on the last milestone developed. Also, each child is an individual and may meet developmental milestones a little earlier or later than his peers. This is because each child is unique and will develop at his or her own pace.

Other Information

2 & 3 Year Old Classes

Monday & Wednesday


Wiggle Worms – Young 2’s

Tuesday & Thursday


Busy Bees – 2.5 or 3 year olds (see campus)

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