These classes are an advanced accelerated Pre-K (Kinder-Prep), Kindergarten & Grade School program, that provides an individualized education allowing students to grow at their own pace. In some cases, students may be assessed for placement into these advanced classes.
Your child will learn the following in Kinder-Prep
- Hold/Position Pencil Correctly
- Recognize, Name, Write Upper & Lowercase Letters/Numbers with Correct Formation
- Recognize, Spell & Write First & Last Name
- Identify Oral (OPR) and Written (WPR) Phonogram sounds (1-70)
- Identify Spalding Rules & Markings
- Grammar: Types of Sentences & Parts of Speech
- Sound Out & Blend Words/Weekly Reading Groups
- Sight Word Recognition (Dolch Pre-Primer through Third Grade Sight Words)
- Recognize & Name Shapes/Colors, Verbally Count (1-130+, by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, Backwards from 10), Count Objects 1-100 Using one-to-one Correspondence, Identify Patterns (AB, ABB, ABC), Sort by color/size/shape, Tell Time to the Hour & Half Hour, Identify Money (Name & Value) etc.
- Build Reading Comprehension through Oral/Written Testing
- Build Spelling Skills through Weekly Review, Testing & Monthly Spelling Bees
- Build Fine Motor through Cutting & Pasting etc.
- Build Gross Motor through Jumping, Throwing, Balancing etc.
- Build Social/Emotional Development through daily engaging activities with Teachers & Peers
- Build Cognitive Skills through lessons with Problem Solving Activities
- Build Speech/Communication Skills through Singing, Listening to Stories, Retelling Stories etc.
*Please note that each milestone that a child acquires builds on the last milestone developed. Also, each child is an individual and may meet developmental milestones a little earlier or later than his peers. This is because each child is unique and will develop at his or her own pace.