This class prepares students for Kindergarten, giving them the foundation they need to succeed.
Your child will learn the following
- Hold/Position Pencil Correctly
- Recognize, Name, Trace & Write Upper/Lowercase Letters & Numbers with Correct Formation
- Recognize, Spell and Write First & Last Name
- Identify Written (WPR) and Oral (OPR) Phonogram Sounds (1-70)
- Sound Out/Blend Words/Weekly Reading Groups
- Identify Sight Words (Dolch Pre-Primer & Primer)
- Recognize Shapes & Colors, Verbally Count (1-100, by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, Backwards from 10), Count Objects 1-10 using one-to-one Correspondence, Identify Patterns (AB, ABB, ABC) Sort by color/size/shape, Tell Time to the Hour, Identify Money (Name & Value)
- Build Reading Comprehension through Oral/Written Testing (weekly)
- Build Spelling Skills through weekly Review & Testing
- Build Fine Motor through Cutting & Pasting etc.
- Build Gross Motor through Jumping, Throwing, Balancing etc.
- Build Social/Emotional Development through daily engaging activities with Teachers & Peers
- Build Cognitive Skills through lessons with Problem Solving Activities
- Build Speech/Communication Skills through Singing, Listening to Stories, Retelling Stories etc.
*Please note that each milestone that a child acquires builds on the last milestone developed. Also, each child is an individual and may meet developmental milestones a little earlier or later than his peers. This is because each child is unique and will develop at his or her own pace.